A Voice of Our Own

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About Us

Japan National Assembly of Disabled Peoples’ International (DPI-Japan) was funded 1986 as a national organization of Disabled Peoples’ International (DPI). As of March 2016, 93 organizations of various types of disabilities including physical, intellectual, psychiatric or intractable diseases, are allied with us. We gather grass-roots voices, reflect the voices to national policies, and then back them to the locals. This is our fundamental activity.

→About DPI-Japan


Our goal "Equal opportunity and making the right real for persons with disabilities"

Wheelchair users cannot go into a shop because of steps at the entrance. Children with disabilities cannot go to same schools with their friends. Even though not being necessary a further medication, persons with disabilities cannot discharge from hospital because of lack of support in the community. In work place, persons with disabilities cannot get reasonable accommodation, so it’s very difficult for them to keep working. Persons with disabilities are facing many barriers, which persons without disabilities never face to. This barrier segregates persons with disabilities from others and encourages lack of understanding of people and prejudice. Shall we do away with this barrier together?

Three Features of DPI-Japan

UN Convention of the Right of Persons with Disabilities address that “Persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others” (Article 1) and defines “Reasonable accommodation” (Article 2). With removing social barrier, it ensures persons with disabilities same opportunities with others. We think disabilities are social issues, not in individuals.

Our Activity

About DPI

As an opportunity of International Year of Disabled Persons, DPI was funded in Singapore in 1981, aiming to network of international disability movements. Currently, over 130 countries from six blocks join it. DPI is an International non-governmental organization for full-participation, equal opportunity and support for the right of persons with disabilities.

→ About DPI


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